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Education in the UAE

Author: Dinara Gracheva
Every year more and more foreigners acquire real estate in the UAE, and quite often this happens in connection with the move to the country for permanent residence with the whole family; read about the education system in the Emirates in our new material.

In a very short period of time, the UAE has turned from a third world country into one of the key powers of the planet. The country gained independence in the early 1970s and demonstrated to everyone how, thanks to the export of oil and gas, as well as competent investments, to raise industry and construction, business, tourism and education to the international level. Since the UAE has attracted a large number of expats for many years, despite the fact that the official language in the country is Arabic, English is very actively used here, including in the field of education, so residents from all over the world come here to study

Education in the UAE

Over the past 40 years, the country has been implementing an education support program. During this time, more than 100 universities have opened in the UAE, many of them branches of leading European and American universities. In addition, studying in the Emirates has become very promising, because the local growing economy requires a huge number of specialists.

Preschool education

The system of preschool education in the country is fully paid and begins with a nursery - this is the first stage, which includes institutions for children aged 3 months and up to 4 years. This is a familiar analogue of a nursery, some of which work from morning to lunch, while others work full-time for 5-6 days a week. The cost of a child's stay is determined, first of all, by the quality and variety of services, as well as the duration of the child's stay in it and the location of the nursery, therefore, for example, they are cheaper in Sharjah than in Dubai.




The child can attend them from September to June inclusive, but during the holidays the nursery can switch to the "summer camp" mode. But there are also those who have practically no breaks. Inexpensive private nurseries often involve only looking after children without food, daytime sleep and clubs, since they rarely work after 2 pm. The cost of visiting them can be about 500 dirhams (about $ 140) per month. Nurseries, where children will be fed a full meal, will conduct various activities with them according to their age, take them out for a walk in the fresh air, put them to bed, can cost ten times more. But mostly they will cost parents in the amount of 450-700 dollars per month.

The second stage of kindergarten is a preparatory group for older preschool children (4-5 years old). Such kindergartens, as a rule, operate at schools and are located in separate buildings of school complexes. In addition, the daily routine is close to the school learning process. This makes it easier for children to transition from preschool to full-fledged education. Most kindergartens work from 8-9 in the morning to noon: children are taught lessons in a number of subjects, preparing them for school. Kindergarten programs are very serious, children get homework. Usually the second stage lasts two years until they reach the age of 5-6 years.

Education in the UAE

Attending kindergarten is usually not a prerequisite for admission to school, but serves as a good preparation for it, especially if we are talking about an institution where the child stays for the whole day. The cost of attending kindergarten is about 1,500 dirhams ($400-700) per month, but in some cases it may be twice as much.

The language of instruction of most private kindergartens is English, which is very useful for any foreigner who will then receive an education in an English-speaking school. But there are also two Russian-speaking preschools in the UAE: a full-day nursery with meals in Sharjah and a kindergarten at a Russian private school in Dubai.

Secondary education

UAE citizens study in public schools for free, foreigners - for a fee, this has become possible only since 2006. Secondary education in the UAE is compulsory up to grade 9, but this rule is not always followed. Now in all public and many private schools, boys and girls are taught separately starting from grade 7. About half of the schoolchildren in the country are citizens of the UAE, the other part are foreigners, whose parents most often prefer to send their children to private schools of various educational systems (the most popular is British), where teaching is conducted in different languages. But the most common languages of instruction in the Emirates are Arabic and English.

Children go to primary school at the age of 6: they pass an interview before that and take exams in English and mathematics. Then comes the turn of the preparatory school. For three years of this level, new subjects appear in the program, depending on the profile direction of the educational institution. Most educational institutions use British, Canadian and American programs, so the main language of instruction in the UAE is English. At least three languages must be studied in all schools: English and Arabic, and another foreign language (French, German, Spanish or Chinese).

Education in the UAE

Then comes secondary school, the duration of which is also three years. This cycle completes the 12-year process of schooling. The subjects are taught not only by Arab teachers, but also by highly qualified foreign teachers. At the end of secondary school, final exams are taken in language, mathematics and disciplines defined by the curriculum of a particular school. Upon successful completion of the exams, the graduate is issued a document on secondary education.

Since national diasporas are well developed in the UAE, there are many schools in this country with teaching in their native language. Russians and representatives of CIS countries can also teach their children in Russian and according to the program approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Russian Russian School There is currently only one Russian school in the UAE. A private Russian school in Dubai.But it is worth noting that many of our compatriots still prefer to send their children to schools with teaching in English and according to the programs of the three most popular education systems in the UAE - British, American or Australian. The cost of training can vary greatly: from 2000 to 20 000 dollars per year.

If you have a certificate of full secondary education, you can enroll in a technical school, the duration of which is 6 years. Upon completion, the student is awarded a diploma of technical education. These can be technical and industrial colleges, agricultural and commercial schools and pedagogical institutes

Higher education

Currently, a large number of various universities, institutes and colleges have been opened in the UAE, which offer students to get a high-quality higher education in a large number of areas. Citizens of the country study for free at three state universities and have discounts and benefits in many private ones. International students can also study there, but already on a fee basis. Both holders of the Emirates passport and foreigners study at private universities. In addition, there are numerous branches of the world's leading universities in the UK, USA, France, Germany, etc. Among the most popular universities in the country are Amity University Dubai, American University in Dubai, Canadian University Dubai, The British University in Dubai, University of Dubai, Heriot-Watt University Dubai, Middlesex University Dubai, University of Wollongong in Dubai.

It is important to understand that often tuition fees for foreigners upon admission can be withdrawn immediately in full for the entire period, and not for semesters, so you need to be prepared for this. The conditions for admission to universities in the country can be quite different: some universities accept applicants only based on the results of the entrance exams, while others do not enroll without the mentioned one-time payment for the entire course of study. There is another feature directly related to the training of Russians. Applicants from Russia, in order to become a student at one of the universities of the UAE, will have to study at home at the university for a year after graduation or complete a one-year training under the Foundation preparatory program. This is necessary in order to compensate for the missing year, since, according to the British educational system, which adheres to most universities in the Emirates, it is necessary to have a 12-year secondary education for admission.

Education in the UAE

When applying for training, a foreign student must provide copies of a foreign and domestic passport, a confirmed certificate of existing education, a letter of confirmation of enrollmentfrom the university, medical insurance, a receipt for the payment of the entire course of study, a document confirming the financial viability of the applicant.

In the UAE, universities are engaged in issuing student visas for foreigners. It is issued for a period that corresponds to the entire academic period, but can be extended if necessary.The legalization of a diploma for the UAE provides for a professional translation of the document into English or Arabic with legal certification in the country of its accreditation. International English language tests can also be conducted in the form of entrance tests.

The cost of studying in the UAE depends on the chosen educational institution: in a state university it will cost from $ 5,000 to $ 11,000 per year, in one of the branches of British universities about $ 20,000 per year. Accommodation is not always included in this amount, so in some cases you will also have to spend about 700 monthly on housing and food.

Thank you for your help in preparing the material:

Elena Timchenko, Managing Partner of the companyRoyal Home Real Estate

Vladimir Minaev, an expert of the companyMetropolitan Premium Properties

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Sanjay rajpoot
30 of Aug 2022, 12:43:51
Thanks for the interesting stuff. I would also like to add that for admission to the Canadian University, where I am currently studying, you do not need to study an additional year: they easily accept our certificate of secondary complete education in grade 11 and the IELTS exam with a score of at least 5.0. If it is lower, the student can enroll in courses at the university, after which he can take the exam again and gain the required score.
I would also like to note that a student visa is issued only for a year. It will be updated after passing the medical examination, and every year there will be a new insert in the passport. At the same time, you can study while on a partner, family and even on a work visa.
13 of Sep 2021, 21:30:27
Hello. How much does it cost to study at a Canadian university
15 of Aug 2022, 18:56:15
On average, without discounts, it costs about 20,000 US dollars a year.
30 of Aug 2022, 13:17:34
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