Renting real estate for a long time in any country is a great option for those who plan to purchase housing in the future in the country of interest to the future buyer. You can, for example, live in one city for one year, then move to another, or, for example, taste life in different areas of the metropolis. If you allocate only a few weeks for this, that is, in fact, resort to the short-term option of renting a house or apartment, then there is a possibility that a person will not face all the realities, for example, in winter - heating is weak, in spring it turns out that due to constant rains on a particular street there may be there are a lot of puddles, and the house is humid, and in the summer it will tighten, it is clear that without air conditioning there is simply no way to survive here. Therefore, many people recommend living at least one calendar year in a new country for themselves, namely renting a house. And only after that it is advised to make a purchase decision.
Also, thanks to a long-term lease, it will be possible to try a new lifestyle for yourself. Let's say a person started renting a house in the private sector, and previously lived only in an apartment. And for him, buying a foreign house can be quite stressful, since the amount of hassle to maintain his home and financial expenses increases dramatically. True, many positive nuances can open up - cleaner air, the spaciousness of the living space, a private garden, a swimming pool, the absence of sounds from neighbors, etc. Therefore, many realtors often recommend a long-term rental option to clients with a thorough approach to buying housing abroad before purchasing foreign real estate.
Let's not forget that long-term rental is useful not only for a clear understanding of where exactly you want to buy housing (and what type), but also will help during the time when it will be necessary to prepare a complete package of documents for a specific country, to collect the necessary funds for payment. For example, someone may not have enough savings to overcome the minimum threshold for the cost of real estate to obtain a residence permit, etc.
Also, in connection with this issue, it is impossible not to mention the news of recent days, Airbnb and Booking not only suspend activities in Russia and Belarus, but also prohibit guests from these two countries from booking anywhere. Thus, for Russians and Belarusians, among the options for renting foreign housing, with rare exceptions, there is only a long-term option.
What is a long-term lease?
In many countries, long-term rentals are well regulated and the minimum term is usually a year or more. The contract prescribes a lot of details about the responsibilities of the landlord and tenant, thereby providing both parties with maximum guarantees and comfort. Of course, each country has its own peculiarities, so it would be best to contact a realtor and a company that has been working on the local rental market for a long time.
A professional selects the most suitable option, dismissing inadequate owners in advance, of which, unfortunately, there are many in the rental market today. But at the same time, it should be understood that it will also be necessary to pay a realtor commission, and it is also likely that the tenant will not be offered the most budget option, however, thereby, the opportunity to get to the most unfavorable owners with whom difficulties may arise is practically leveled.
Conditions for concluding a long-term lease agreement
In Bulgaria, when renting out a long-term lease, an annual contract is concluded with a prepayment amount for two months, a photo report of the object and a full description of the property and its current condition are compiled. If, upon termination of the contract, the property is in the same condition as before and there are no debts to pay rent or utility bills, then the deposit is returned to the tenant. If the lease agreement is concluded for a period of more than one year, then it must be concluded in writing, and entered into the Property Register (Agency for Registration). If it is not entered there, but is signed by a notary, then the document remains in force for the period specified in it, but not more than one year.
The cost of renting a studio in Bulgaria will be from 200 euros per month.
In Turkey, there is a law according to which only a licensing real estate agency has the right to rent housing, which is obliged to register in the online security system every tenant entering the apartment. Agencies get access to this system at a police station or gendarmerie upon presentation of a license, a management contract signed by the owner and a copy of the certificate of ownership.
Such "filtering" allows the tenant to protect himself from all possible risks associated with an "unscrupulous owner", because the responsible authorized person for the delivery of this apartment is the agent who keeps the reservation calendar, accepts the deposit and payment from the tenant, prepares the apartment for occupancy and provides full support to the tenant during his stay.
The cost of renting a studio in Turkey is 1000-1500 dollars per month.
The Emirates is a country where everything is very clearly regulated. Therefore, it is best to conduct all transactions here through realtors, whose activities (as well as the work of the company itself) are strictly licensed. All this guarantees the tenant maximum security when searching for the desired object for a long-term lease and concluding a contract. You also need to be prepared for the fact that there is a possibility that you will need to pay rent immediately for a year. Although there are cases when they agree to split the payment into several parts per year. It is important to remember that according to clear local legislation, for the duration of the lease, the tenant is the actual owner of the property, so no one will be able to evict or declare illegal residence, and the tenants themselves are guaranteed complete security.
The cost of renting a studio in the UAE is from $ 1,500 per month.
Montenegro today is a country where long-term rental is a fairly simple process. Both parties sign a standard agreement that suits everyone, usually the amount of rent for a month acts as collateral for housing, you do not need to go to any authorities with a document. But the owner will need to go to the local police station and register foreigners so that they can get a "white cardboard", a certificate of registration at the place of residence. If the tenant applies to the services of a real estate agency, then it is necessary to check whether it has the appropriate license and whether it is entered in the state register of real estate agencies.
The cost of renting a studio in Montenegro is from 350 euros per month
Thank you for your help in preparing the material:
Lyubov Belogur, Director of the companyANTREAL
Elena Timchenko, Managing Partner of the companyRoyal Home Real Estate
Aneta Vodenicharova, Director of the company Eltrade
Irina Rasskazova, company manager ANTAREX Montenegro