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Education in France

Author: Dinara Gracheva
According to Campus France, in 2020 France ranked third in the world in terms of the number of foreign students studying in its territory, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom; such a result is not surprising, because this country has been famous for its high level of education for many centuries.

Sorbonne history

It is impossible to talk about education in France without starting with the Sorbonne. This one of the most significant and oldest universities in Europe was founded in Paris in the 12th century, quickly gaining worldwide fame and respect, especially when it came to theological and philosophical education. For some time, diplomas from other educational institutions were not even recognized in it, and already in the 13th century there was a gradation of academic degrees. It is interesting that even before the appearance of the Sorbonne in France, schools operated at cathedrals (including at Notre-Dame-de-Paris), monasteries, abbeys, where contemporaries of that time received a quality education.

Famous Sorbonne

But it was the Sorbonne that was then the only one that did not come out of religious schools, but rather "artistic" ones, which did not exclude theological schools in its composition. And at the same time, the Chancellor of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was considered the legal head of the Sorbonne, albeit with restrictions. At the same time, in the 13th century, there were already theological, legal, medical and "artistic" faculties.

The active development of the education system in France in its modern form in the country began in the last quarter of the 19th century, together with the creation of the Third Republic. Then primary education became compulsory for all children between the ages of 6 and 13, the number of public primary schools increased and a centralized teacher training system was established. In the 20th century, this area continued to develop actively - the government adopted various decrees, as a result of which, by the 80s, compulsory education affected all children aged 6 to 16 years.

Preschool education

The French preschool education system includes not only kindergartens, but also nurseries. Some parents send their children to such groups at the age of 4-6 months, with 4-5 babies per teacher. Until the age of two, a child can attend a kindergarten - staying there (as well as in a nursery) in France is not necessary, but most go there. Usually there is a division into three age groups: in the younger (from 2 to 4 years old) children play developmental games, in the middle group (from 4 to 5 years old) they master oral communication skills and learn practical skills such as modeling, drawing and singing. and in the older group (from 5 to 6 years old) preparations for school are already underway, learning to read, write and count. There are few private secondary schools in France - they are attended by about 10% of the total number of students. Basically, these are various international schools, where instruction is conducted only in English or in several languages.

The cost of visiting a kindergarten is calculated for each family individually by a special commission. Factors such as the number of days visited per year, the total number of children in the family, and the earnings of each parent are taken into account. For example, if the family has two children and the annual income is about 30,000 euros, then one hour of the child's stay in the group will cost 1.25 euros (150-190 euros per month). But this is the cost of the services of municipal kindergartens, in private ones, among which there are also Russian-speaking kindergartens, a month of stay will cost from 500 euros and more.

Secondary education

At the age of six, children go to primary school, where they study for 5 years - it's free for everyone. Primary education in France forms basic basic knowledge in children and lasts from 6 to 11 years old. It is divided into the following stages: Preparatory Course (CP), Initial Year 1 (CE1), Initial Year 2 (CE2), Medium Year 1 (CM1) and Medium Year 2 (CM2). During this period of study, the school focuses on five main areas - French, the basics of social life, mathematics, knowledge of the world and art education. After completing this cycle in primary school, students take exams to obtain a certificate of primary education (certificat d'etudes primaire, CEP).

Secondary education in France lasts for 7 years and consists of two blocks: college and lyceum. Public free colleges accept students as young as 11 years old with no entrance exams. Education during the first period lasts four years (from 6th to 3rd grade, in France the classes are counted in reverse order) and is conducted in three cycles. First, there is an adaptation, during which children adapt to new learning standards, consolidate knowledge and prepare for independent learning.

University library

It is followed by a central cycle, when students deepen their knowledge and skills, after which preparation for choosing a professional direction begins. Then they move on to the orientation stage, during which students prepare for the choice of specialization, in which they will study at the lyceum, and then at the university or higher school.

After graduating from college, students are trained at the lyceum, where for three years they receive secondary education in the chosen specialty or prepare for admission to a university. These can be professional training centers (CFA, specialized secondary education), where, based on the results of final exams, a student can become the owner of a general baccalaureate (BAC), with which one can enter universities. Also, lyceums are general education (general) and technological (technologique) - this is a kind of preparatory courses for admission to universities in the chosen specialty. Lyceums issue a certificate of graduation from the lyceum and a bachelor's degree (baccalaureat), on the basis of which they enter higher educational institutions.

In France, among foreigners, including Russians, prestigious private schools are very popular - their demand is due to high educational standards and modern infrastructural equipment of educational and residential buildings. If we are talking about Russian schools, then the country has only one public school at the Russian Embassy in Paris, however, all over France you can find private Russian schools, where special attention is paid to the study of two languages in parallel - Russian and French, as well as the cultural traditions of both countries. ... The cost of studying in a private school in France ranges from 10,000 to several tens of thousands of euros per year.

Higher education

To obtain a higher education diploma in France, you need to undergo training in three cycles - two main (2-3 years each) and additional, which is comparable to our postgraduate studies and is a cycle of postgraduate education. After completing only the first cycle and receiving a DEUG - a diploma of general university education (Diplome d'etudes universitaire generales), you can get a job as a junior and middle manager.

The second stage is training within one year after DEUG, after which a license is awarded, and after two years of the second cycle - a master's degree (Maitrise). An additional cycle of the university allows you to receive a diploma of special higher education (DESS, Diplome d'Etudes Superieres Specialisees) or a research diploma (DEA). Obtaining a first diploma, as a rule, implies the continuation of professional activity in the relevant field, and a DEA diploma allows you to continue academic scientific work and enroll in doctoral studies.

At the graduation ceremony at the Sorbonne

All public universities in France are free, applicants only pay for paperwork, which averages 300 euros. To enroll in a French university, you need to register on the website - the choice of a specific university and registration is made through it. The cost of a bachelor's program in a private university starts from 8000 euros per year in a commercial university, a master's program will be slightly more expensive: from 12000 euros.

Foreign students can study at universities in France both for a fee and for free. But it is important to correctly calculate your financial capabilities, since even with a free option, the student pays for his own accommodation. In addition, to obtain a visa, you will need proof of financial solvency - at least 615 euros per month for the entire period of residence in France. Some French universities can be enrolled on the basis of a licentiate - a Russian certificate of secondary education, while others require preliminary training under the Foundation program. For admission, you will also need to confirm the level of proficiency in the language in which the training will take place. Typically, these are TCF, DELF / DALF for French, IELTS or TOEFL for English.

Thank you for your help in preparing the material: Olga Timonye, director of Premiunazur
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