Compared to other Western European countries, the cost of living in Spain is low, even in large cities. Living in the metropolitan areas of Spain is much cheaper than, for example, in Paris, Geneva or London. The standard of living in the country is quite high, but salaries are relatively small here. The average salary in Spain is around 1000 euros. Rental prices in the country are moderate, except for short-term rentals at popular resorts during high season. The cost of food and utilities is also low. According to Eurostat data, prices for goods in Spain are about 20% lower than in other EU countries. Tobacco and gasoline are cheaper here than, for example, in France, although the cost of gasoline is constantly increasing. Clothing in Spain is cheaper than in Russia, you also need to take into account the peculiarities of the climate - in Spain you do not need to buy winter clothes. According to the rating of the European countries with the highest quality of life, compiled by uSwitch in 2011, Spain came second behind France. Spain has become the leader in the number of sunny days per year and life expectancy, in addition, the country has the largest number of vacation days per year (39 days). About 13% of those surveyed would prefer to buy housing in Spain from all European countries. Spain also ranked fourth on the list of most popular countries to emigrate and continues to be a favorite destination for overseas travel among Russians and Britons. The most expensive areas to live in Spain are on the coast, where many Russians prefer to buy property, these include the Costa del Sol and resorts located near Barcelona. The most reasonable prices among popular resorts are on the Costa Blanca. Living wage, utility bills The living wage in Spain is about 700-800 euros per month for a family of two. The electricity bill for two people is about 40 euros per month and the cost rises by about 30% in the summer when using the air conditioner. The payment for water, as a rule, does not exceed 15 euros per month and rises to about 65 euros if the house has a pool or garden. A subscription fee for a telephone in Spain costs 15-20 euros per month, unlimited Internet costs 40-50 euros per month, cable TV - 45 euros per month. A SIM card for a mobile phone can be bought at any mobile office for about 20 euros. Monthly payments to local numbers will be 10-20 euros. Living in residential complexes (urbanizations), you must also take into account the payment for the maintenance of the territory, cleaning the pool. The amount of payments depends on the size of the complex and the number of residents and is paid once or twice a year. The cost of food in Spain is inexpensive compared to other Western European countries, as it is an agricultural country. A food basket for two people a month in Spain costs about 300-350 euros. In large cities, as well as in popular resorts in Spain, most supermarkets are open from 9.00 to 22.00 without a break. Be prepared for private shops in Spain to close for a siesta from 2pm to 5pm. Few shops in Spain are open on Sundays. Alcohol is sold in shops until 22.00. Approximate prices for some products in large cities and Mediterranean resorts in Spain: A liter of milk - 0.8 euros Bread (white) - 1 euro 0.5 kg of cheese - 2-3 euros A dozen eggs - 1.5 euros 1 kg of sugar - 0 , 9 euros A pack of butter - 1.1 euros 0.5 kg of pork chops - 2.5 euros 1 kg of potatoes - 0.7 euros 1 kg of chicken meat - 3-4 euros 1 kg of rice - 1.5 euros 1 kg of apples - 1.2 euros Breakfast or lunch in an inexpensive cafe in Barcelona, for example, for two will cost about 15-20 euros, a dinner for two with wine will cost 50-60 euros. Transport A liter of gasoline in Spain now costs 1.4 euros, which is cheaper than in many European countries. A bus ticket costs just over 1 euro. A monthly pass will cost around 40 euros. A taxi, for example, in Barcelona within the city limits costs up to 15 euros per trip. Car rental in Spain ranges from 50 to 200 euros per day. In some regions of Spain, for example, in Catalonia, roads are toll. The fare depends on the distance traveled. The fare is paid at the turnstiles at the entrance to the highway. Medical Services In emergencies, emergency medical care in Spain is provided free of charge for Spanish citizens, tourists or temporary residents of the country. Free medical care in Spain can be obtained only with insurance; without it, you can only go to paid medical centers. Foreign citizens living in Spain can seek medical help at a private clinic, where patient admission is paid. You can get an appointment with a doctor by paying 50-80 euros, this cost does not include tests and additional services. Also, a foreigner can use the services of private clinics with health insurance, which costs about 500 euros per year. Education Monthly kindergarten fees are around € 100 per month. Foreigners can get an education in public schools in Spain for free. Tuition in private schools, for example, in the center of Madrid, costs 400-500 euros per month. Education here is usually conducted in English. Housing rental The cost of renting villas in the sea resorts of Spain differs depending on the region and the season, the most expensive accommodation will be in the popular sea resorts in August. In the summer season, for example, in Catalonia, a villa with three bedrooms and a pool will cost an average of 1500 to 3000 euros per week. In Madrid, the capital of Spain, renting a two-bedroom apartment costs 500-700 euros per month, a house with three bedrooms - 1400 euros.
The cost of living in Spain
The price in Spain depends on the area where you plan to settle. In the resorts of Spain's Mediterranean coast and in Metropolitan areas the prices are higher relative to other regions of the country.
Author: Maria Cooper
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I would be happy to move to Spain to live, I grew up children, I learned and reaped, alone and without work ... maybe I'll be lucky there))))) respectfully Lyudmila +375295297524
22 of May 2017, 20:08:28
Eh how I want to live in Spain I'm tired of living in Russia there is no work there is no housing request please help kind people even hostels if there is such with respect Georgi 89189003353
28 of Apr 2017, 12:15:29
if you buy an apartment for 30,000 euros in Spain and come back to live I don't
expelled back to Russia without grajdanstva
expelled back to Russia without grajdanstva
21st of Nov 2016, 09:55:57
Ie 2K euros per month for a family of three should be enough.
1 of Nov 2016, 13:18:05
Residence permit, buy property in 500 thousand euros, or Deposit with a Bank for a million Euro. That's the whole residence.
11 of Aug 2016, 14:54:26
This is the site for those wishing to khalyavnykh life? All ask for anything posh life without giving in return is enough !;
22 of May 2016 17:04:30
5 of May 2016 1:10:27
Meni 23 Rocky himself a native of Ukraine h duzhe want pereїhati Іspanіyu in Madrid on mozhlivo Kraїnі !!!
5 of May 2016 1:09:14
Damn! The ass and nobody wants to raise, in order to do something for change in your life? Why someone should help you and pay for YOUR dreams?
23 of Jun 2015 14:16:59
Cherished dream to provide a European education for their grandchildren, bring them to light, but as an ordinary Russian citizen does not have time for their Euro.I would be very grateful to all who are willing to provide financial assistance and support.+79173990162 Nicholas.
17th of May 2015 14:26:42
And the ears from a dead donkey?
2 of Aug 2014 22:49:11
The impression is that here are some strange types that Take their grandchildren to live,help my mom buy an apartment with 6,000 rubles of pension, with lots of kids take to Europe... so Here is the sump.
2 of Aug 2014 22:48:32
You're right. This is a foreign property portal. They paint beautifully to buy. And ours love freebies so much. European education - up to grade 10 learn the multiplication table! Nuka, all together the ears are divorced.
26 of Jun 2021, 20:11:02
That's strange, take them back to live with her grandchildren. Even on Bulgarian sites such amount of idiocy is not met.
2 of Aug 2014 22:45:54
yes, there are enough donkeys in this life ... they are everywhere, they are everywhere.
Feb 24, 2022, 06:49:41 AM
Mom really want to buy a small apartment in Spain by the sea....,but my pension 6000 rubles a month.Help ..... phone+79112787600
9 of May 2014 20:38:20
Is it possible to move on a constant residence to Spain from Ukraine? Family of 4 people. Father 58 years, the Mother of 46 years, I(female) 25 years and my brother is 11 years old.
21 of Mar 2014 13:36:28
My phone 8 987 987 7224
16 of Mar 2014 23:59:53
M,B. some of the Russians will take me into the family with my grandson 10 years ,I progivau in New Moscow
16 of Mar 2014 23:57:00
So much want to live out their days in Spain in my house,somebody help...
16 of Mar 2014 23:51:38
I am 66 years old, I want to live out their years in Spain, is it possible?
16 of Mar 2014 23:48:11
How can I obtain a residence permit a family of 4 people, including two small children?
13th of Feb 2014 23:56:33