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Repair real estate in France

To make repairs in foreign home harder than at home, because each country has its own cultural and legal peculiarities, ignorance of which may lead to unexpected consequences. But many problems can be avoided if you follow the rules
02.07.2013 editorial office
If you decide to renovate a property purchased in France, for example, on The Cote d'Azur, then several important issues will need to be resolved.

France is the only country in the world where there is a ten–year warranty for basic construction work, but this warranty applies only to French companies. That is, if, for example, an Italian company is involved in the work, then it needs to be affiliated locally or have a subsidiary. As a rule, Italians regularly work on the Cote d'Azur and are well aware of the existence of this law.

In France, a thorough comprehensive approach and discussion of all the details in the contract are practiced: a description of the work, their price, desired result, payment terms, deadlines, penalties, etc. The estimate is made before the start of the repair, after signing it has the force of the contract, and in case of disagreement you can go to court on its basis.

Who should I contact?

In order to reduce construction costs, sometimes they try to abandon the use of local French companies. At first glance, from a financial point of view, it looks attractive, but it can adversely affect the process and quality, both from the very beginning of the repair, and after a while.

Some prefer to work with our compatriots or with immigrants from the former USSR, hoping to reduce the cost of work and shorten the time. This is one of the most common reactions in any country among newly arrived property owners.

Foreigners traditionally face a language barrier and all the ensuing difficulties in communicating with specialists and in the service market. Most prefer to deal with "native" specialists and because of ignorance of repair and construction technical and administrative procedures in France, and sometimes after unsuccessful experience of repair or construction in Russia.

Of course, recognized masters can be trusted without looking back, both French and Russian. But we need to keep in mind some fundamental criteria.

The services of highly qualified specialists, taking into account the costs of travel, accommodation, etc., cost about the same. A small amount of the estimate, which is very different from the average market price for services offered by a French or any other firm, should alert you. The price is affected by both the quality of the materials used and the time spent by the builders on the work. The cost of work here is calculated in hours and strongly depends on the amount of time spent. Flexible working hours of "interested" performers allow them to complete the order faster. But the quality of the result should remain at the head of everything.

A Russian architect may not know the intricacies of French law or not have a license, and many types of work require separate legal registration. By the way, the participation of an architect is generally desirable for any work. It's inexpensive and the result is worth it.

Russians sometimes bring builders from Eastern Europe. Initially, the amount of the estimate may be lower than that of local specialists, and already in the course of work the price will increase. But you will not have the necessary leverage over the builders. From a French company for non-compliance with the contract, you can get a penalty, judicial and material, and the company may lose its construction license altogether. Serious construction companies and their work are insured, and these insurances can cover the costs of claims and corrections.

What is the best way to carry out repairs?

There are three ways to carry out repairs: either to repair, independently directing the work of the construction team, or to entrust the management of the process to a management company or a real estate agency, and, finally, to contact the general contractor. It is possible to conclude one contract with the general contractor for the execution of the entire order or separately with craftsmen, companies for each type of work.

If you know the language well, the specifics of the country, plan to stay in it all the time of repair and have acquaintances, friends or colleagues who can support you with advice or connections, then you can do the repair yourself.

Knowledge of the language is also necessary to work with the contractor (check his reputation, read documents, etc.).

The simplest solution is to entrust the repair and construction work to your real estate agency, which is engaged in the management of your facility, with whom a trusting relationship has already developed, and if they have such competencies. The experience of organizing the process, personal contact with managers and owners of companies, knowledge of the market, and, most importantly, the regular and large amount of work that they provide to construction companies, give the project a special status.

Ideally, your agent in the agency will speak Russian, know the process well and have serious experience in this kind of work. He will think over all the details, compare prices for services, find the optimal solution, check the contract, monitor the progress of construction, and you will only have to approve the estimate and accept the finished object. Additional advantages are the speed and quality of work, and most importantly – saving time and effort of the customer.

It is necessary to insure repair and construction work, the cost of insurance is small and is a small fraction of the cost of construction work. In addition, each party, the customer and the contractor, must also be insured. The customer must protect himself from force majeure, for example, a fire of construction material, a pipe break, etc. A construction company may cease its activities for various circumstances, and insurance will cover all losses and costs.

What should I pay attention to when buying a property?

In France, even at the time of purchase, you need to check the following items, especially if you are not buying a new building, but a fairly old house:

- at the time of the visit, pay attention not only to the beauty, general appearance, location, presence of neighbors and squares that you will have to share with them, but also to the technical condition of the roof, foundation, walls, etc. Small cracks or a couple of broken tiles may hide more serious problems. Decide if you are ready for a major overhaul.

- whether asbestos was used in the construction of the house (for houses whose construction permit was obtained before July 1, 1997). Asbestos dust is dangerous to health, and the examination for the presence of harmful particles in the air is carried out by the seller until the moment of sale;

- whether lead is contained in the paints used for repair work (if it was done before 1949). It is important to know that traces of lead can be found even after the dangerous paint has been removed from the surfaces, and if you are doing repairs in such a house, then you are obliged to warn workers in writing about the risk to their health;
- whether termites are found in residential buildings in this area, and if so, whether an examination has been carried out.

Expenses and construction materials for repairs

Materials can be purchased independently or entrust their purchase to the contractor of the order, this is discussed in the estimate. In France, working hours are strictly regulated: most shops and offices are closed on Sundays, and on weekdays work stops at exactly 6 or 7, specialized construction stores have a longer and more flexible working hours. Often the delivery time of materials may increase.

In France, it is not always possible to find the necessary materials, the missing ones can be imported from abroad. There are practically no restrictions on the use of materials here, if they comply with local safety standards.

As a rule, buyers do not deal with the question of where the contractor purchases construction materials, but many prefer Italy due to the choice and price-quality ratio. Basic materials for large construction projects can be purchased in Eastern European EU member states, for example, in Poland.

The climate of the Cote d'Azur has its own specifics and this should be taken into account. For example, real estate near the coastline needs appropriate maintenance due to the effects of sea salt. It is necessary to plant suitable salt-resistant plants.

Do not forget to provide for "additional", they are also unforeseen, expenses. This graph of costs can be reduced by contacting a reputable construction company: firstly, the company's economist has long calculated the costs themselves and ways to reduce them, secondly, such a company is working on several objects at the same time, and the necessary materials or equipment can be taken from another object. It is also worth noting that companies with a proven reputation in contracts can prescribe a penalty for a delay in the timing of the order.

Especially for

Alexander Shvarev,
Head of a real estate agency

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very detailed instructions,except for to account for contractual relations agencies, and construction companies...they often mutually beneficial,and the customer will come and go...the Agency will give the following. Indeed, after the transaction, legally verified,the credibility of the agent is to be used for signing of contract supervision of construction work...and he-the agent will influence the performer? For the services he payment take, and to prove the differences and return the money you will be yourself or a lawyer( again paying),if you win the court.
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