DOO Tradegoria
On the market since 2013

Countries company working with:
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Post Address:
Montenegro, Bar, Bulevar Revolucije G10
Company profile on LiveOverseas:
On the picturesque shore of the Adriatic Sea, houses are scattered like beads all along the coast in bays, lagoons and on steep mountain slopes. Somewhere there are more of them – these are cities, and somewhere a handful are villages. This is the country of the black mountains and the azure sea – Montenegro.
In Montenegro - there is a "Traydgoria" real estate happiness agency – a friendly, multilingual team of your assistants on the Montenegrin land. Which collects houses /plots /villas/hotels all over the country that are for sale and strands them on a strong thread - our website. So that you have a good choice.
Do you need to find YOUR house by the sea? It's for us! Do you like the Hotel? Also to us!
11 years ago we came to these shores with the same dream. AND THEY FOUND their house by the sea. Since then, we have been helping others find them. Having accumulated over the years, experience and a large base of local "Houses, Apartments, Land, Villas and Hotels" - we are like magicians, we realize YOUR dreams.
Do you dream of a HOUSE By the SEA, with a cozy veranda and hanging swings, on an old spreading fig tree? Write! We'll tell you everything and show you.
Come to drive along the coast listening to your heart and stop where it excitingly beats. Where the view makes you dizzy. Feel the taste of Montenegro, plunge into your feelings like in the sea.
And YOUR "House by the sea" will not keep you waiting!
And if you are interested in business in Montenegro, we have prepared special offers for you on commercial real estate. Also write! We are ready to provide turnkey support: from the selection, to the transaction and key transfer.
A bonus to the above is our vast experience of local life, work, medicine, answers to questions about obtaining a residence permit and placing children in schools. Issues of adaptation in the country.
In Montenegro - there is a "Traydgoria" real estate happiness agency – a friendly, multilingual team of your assistants on the Montenegrin land. Which collects houses /plots /villas/hotels all over the country that are for sale and strands them on a strong thread - our website. So that you have a good choice.
Do you need to find YOUR house by the sea? It's for us! Do you like the Hotel? Also to us!
11 years ago we came to these shores with the same dream. AND THEY FOUND their house by the sea. Since then, we have been helping others find them. Having accumulated over the years, experience and a large base of local "Houses, Apartments, Land, Villas and Hotels" - we are like magicians, we realize YOUR dreams.
Do you dream of a HOUSE By the SEA, with a cozy veranda and hanging swings, on an old spreading fig tree? Write! We'll tell you everything and show you.
Come to drive along the coast listening to your heart and stop where it excitingly beats. Where the view makes you dizzy. Feel the taste of Montenegro, plunge into your feelings like in the sea.
And YOUR "House by the sea" will not keep you waiting!
And if you are interested in business in Montenegro, we have prepared special offers for you on commercial real estate. Also write! We are ready to provide turnkey support: from the selection, to the transaction and key transfer.
A bonus to the above is our vast experience of local life, work, medicine, answers to questions about obtaining a residence permit and placing children in schools. Issues of adaptation in the country.
Staff members