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"MONTBEL" d.o.o.

On the market since 2013
Countries company working with:
Phone number 1:
+382 67 424 ...
Phone number 2:
+382 67 802 ...
Phone number 3:
+382 67 424 ...
Post Address:
85000 Bar poslovni centar CulaA
Buying a house is a responsible step, an emotional event, for many buying a house by the sea is a dream. We strive to ensure that people come to the purchase of their object comfortably and are satisfied after the purchase, understand that they are legally protected and the transaction is transparent. With all our clients in the future (after the purchase), we remain friends, help in adapting to the country, both with advice and with real help on legalization, comfortable stay in the country.

Staff members

Deputy head
English, Russian, Serbo-Croatian

Country company working with:
Please fill in the contact form. Your query gets company representative.

Objects of the company (240 objects)

First line
190 000 €
2 bedrooms
build area 75 sq. m
household appliances
air conditioning
seller: "MONTBEL" d.o.o.
from 138 000 €
build area 61 sq. m
sea/ocean view
second line from the sea/lake
air conditioning
tennis court
seller: "MONTBEL" d.o.o.
133 000 €
2 bedrooms
build area 69 sq. m
air conditioning
downtown area
seller: "MONTBEL" d.o.o.