10 tips: how foreigners find common language with Russian buyers
Homesoverseas.ru editorial office
The English-language online magazine Quest has made a list of tips for the readers, how to find common language with Russian buyers of real estate in Bulgaria, which provide much of the demand for housing in the country. Check the list for matching reality it will be interesting, and by the Russian customers. 1. Establishment of a business relations in Russia takes considerable time. In most countries, there are phrases like "sly", which the British and Americans sometimes do not understand. However, after several sales business will word of mouth, especially since the Russians are inclined to buy a house next to the houses of their friends, family and colleagues. 2. Links Links and recommendations are much more important than in Western European countries. You should begin to spread the word that you have come to the Russian market, and to demonstrate its good faith. 3. Language Your website should be translated into Russian. Try to hire a Russian-speaking employee at the office, or at least coming interpreter. 4. The price of Russian buying houses in Bulgaria for the status of ownership of real estate abroad. They will not buy the cheapest items as trying to buy something better than their friends or neighbors. Often they do not try to bring down the price. 5. The mentality of Russian led by their feelings and desire to receive the prestigious thing. It is important to emphasize all the features of an object, which will act on their emotions. 6. Security Russian love to have their housing was protected to the maximum. Point out all the security measures, and emphasize how well protected the house. 7. Business Russian behavior is very like to deal with people of their status and above. Even if you have an English speaking staff member in the office, always participate in the negotiations, or Russian feel offended by the fact that you have transferred their case Assistants. 8. Scams Unlike Bulgarian, Russian, and very much afraid of scams related to the whole more than skeptical. You have to convince them of his openness. Schemes need to be very clear, in the Russian people decide quickly and without unnecessary words. 9. Dress code in Russian dress code is very official. If you choose everyday clothes, they can decide what you - the person with whom it is not necessary to deal with. 10. If the Russian Alcohol drink, join them, even if you're not a fan of alcohol. This can be avoided only if you have a very good reason. According to Quest .