More and more investors from Asia are interested in the luxury real estate market in Hawaii, although the number of sales in this sector is still 60% less than during the peak season of 2005. "The favorable economic situation in Asia, favorable exchange rates, and began house price growth class in Hawaii luxury, led to increased interest in the housing market of the country from potential buyers from Japan, South Korea and China," said Patricia Choi, President Hawaiian real estate agency Choi International. In particular, on the island of Oahu, the most developed in Hawaii, 242 sales of residential properties Luxury category worth more than $ 1 million was recorded in this year, which is 30% higher than last year, - said the World Brandt, owner of Hawaiian Kahala Associates real estate agency. In the early 1990s, when the market formed a Hawaii real estate bubble, the share of Asian buyers accounted for about 90% of the total number of real estate transactions luxury. However, after the bubble burst, the percentage has been steadily reduced, and last year only 11% of total sales of luxury housing accounted for buyers from Asia. On this Site: