Soon it will be possible in Romania to buy residential real estate is 25% cheaper than the market price if the seller will make bank. The number of seized from debtors' homes is growing every month, and this trend will continue in 2013, as it depends directly on the number of problem loans, said Adrian Erimesku, CEO portal online edition «We expect that banks , will make more efforts to implement the mortgaged for "bad" real estate loans, which will mean conducting auctions for apartments and houses in 2013. Banks can no longer renew the mortgage payment, since the majority of problem loans has all the terms of payment have been moved, "he said. If until now auctions in Romania have focused mainly on investors, starting in 2013, banks will have to focus on separate physical persons Erimesku added.
Romanian Banks will sell "seized" for the debts of the house in 2013
12.12.2012 editorial office

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