Unstable political and economic situation in Russia affects all areas of business, including in the international real estate market. About what it is now and the impact it will have an effect in the future, can not think of any one professional. At present Sergey Krymov (HomesOverseas.ru) and George Gocheleishvili (Global Promotion Group) within the business program of the Moscow Overseas Property Workshop cvoe vision of the current situation and assess the future prospects. Seminar "The Russian market of foreign real estate in terms of sanctions. How to work, what to expect next "will be held on Wednesday, September 24 at 10.30. All interested professionals invited to attend the seminar and participate in the discussions we are waiting for you: 10.00-18.00, September 24, 2014 Moscow, hotel "Golden Ring", m Smolenskaya Str.. 5 The Smolensk. If you have not registered on MOPW, please register on the event website or contact the organizers: Tel: +7 (495) 644 97 27 E-mail: info@mopw.ru Coordinator MOPW, Julia Krashchenko
Seminar on "real estate Market under the sanctions" will take place on 24 September
Homesoverseas.ru editorial office

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