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Real estate prices have stabilized in Malta

01.04.2011 editorial office
Prices for real estate in Malta has stabilized after a two-year decline, the Internet resource TheMoveChannel reports with reference to the article Global Property Guide.

The annual price growth according to the data for the third quarter of 2010 amounted to 1.53%, although taking into account inflation, the cost still decreased by 1.02%, the report says.

However, last year was not too good for some homeowners in Malta:

- terraced houses for the year to the third quarter of 2010 fell in price by 6.65% (-8.99% adjusted for inflation);

- prices for maisonettes increased by 2.18% (-0.38% adjusted for inflation);

- apartments have risen in price by 3.39% (+0.79% in real terms);

- "other residential units" increased in price by 7.10% (+4.41 adjusted for inflation).

However, the situation of real estate investors in Malta may be complicated by an excess of offers, a large number of empty houses and, as a result, low rental income.

According to TheMoveChannel.

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