According to recent data of Century 21 real estate company, which has 850 outlets throughout France, in the first half of 2010, prices on the French real estate is almost returned to pre-crisis level of 2008. Prices rose by as much as 8.48% to an average of 2508 euros per square meter. In Paris, prices have jumped by 15% (5.4% higher than in the first half of 2008) and reached 7079 euro per sq.m. President of Century 21 Laurent Vimont said: "The amount of real estate available for purchase, decreased - from 63 000 objects in the last year to 50 000 this. agents Cost of services is low - 4% for the purchase of apartments and 6.3% - when buying a home. Many sellers unreasonably inflate the price. " Property prices in the Mediterranean coastal areas continue to grow by an average of 11% in the region Provence-C
Real estate prices in France are returning to pre-crisis levels
23.07.2010 editorial office

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