Dominican Association of builders and promoters (Acoprovi) said that in the Republic every year more than 30,000 built residential buildings can be destroyed in the event of natural disasters. It is reported online edition of The Dominican the Today . According to the National Bureau of Statistics, of the 45 000 new homes being built only 30 000 are being built illegally. As the president Acoprovi Fermin Acosta, these houses are built without the involvement of engineers, therefore, do not meet national and international standards. Thus, more than two-thirds of the buildings are at risk of destruction in the event of earthquakes and floods. Acosta also said it would send a formal request to the Government to allocate $ 8 billion of the production risk of the Fund, which has $ 12 billion
Two-thirds of the new buildings of the Dominican Republic is at risk from disasters
25.09.2014 editorial office

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