One of France's largest developers Nexity said that in France it is necessary to build at least about half a million new homes per year to meet the growing demand for real estate in the country. CEO Alain Dinin explained that the growing demand caused by the growth of the population and certain demographic trends, in particular, the increase in the number of divorces. According to Dineen, this year in France will be ready about 90 thousand new homes, which is 10 thousand more than last year, but at the same time, 37 thousand less than in 2007. The situation in the French real estate market is in sharp contrast with the situation in the Spanish market, where, according to some estimates, there are more than 3 million. Free buildings. France managed to avoid the most severe effects of the crisis due to the action of building restrictions (in most parts of the country are allowed to build houses up to five storeys) and a successful management of the mortgage market. On this Site
France needed annually 500,000 new homes
03.11.2009 editorial office

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