If the initiative is adopted, foreigners will be able to count on obtaining a German passport after 5 years of residence in the country, and not after 8, as today. Those who have made special efforts, for example, in learning a language, will have the right to apply for citizenship after 3 years.
A key point is also the lifting of the ban on dual citizenship for people from non-EU countries. This means that immigrants will no longer need to choose between the passport of their country of residence and their home country.
It is also assumed that the reforms will facilitate immigration for people who do not have professional qualifications recognized in Germany. Instead, it will be enough for them to refer to the relevant experience and job offer.
In 2022, Germany's population peaked at 84.3 million people. This was facilitated by the increase in the number of migrants. However, it is still more difficult for visitors to become citizens and fully participate in the life of the country than in other European countries.Source: CNBC