The final version of the draft law on the single tax on real estate, which will be applied in Greece in 2014, was put up for public discussion. According to the new version, the tax will be levied as garages, parking spaces at the property complexes, as well as shared pools, warehouses, land, farms, reported online source . The Ministry of Finance reduced the plan for revenues from the real estate tax from 3.85 billion to 3.6 billion euros. The size of the tax rate will vary from 2.3 to 17 euros per square meter. m. For taxpayers who will pay the entire amount at once will be granted a discount of 1.5%. As reported earlier , the Greek Ministry of Finance planned to establish a unified real estate tax in the amount of 2 euros per square meter. m in areas where the cost of real estate is estimated below 500 euros per square meter. m, and up to 23.1 euros per square meter. m, if the value exceeds 8,500 euros per square meter. m.