Internet portal and advertising company Global Promotion Group announce a unique event for the international real estate market professionals - Moscow Overseas Property Workshop. The objective of this event - to create a platform for the conclusion of partnership agreements between foreign and Russian companies selling overseas property. For two days, about two dozen foreign companies from different countries will be represented by its property to Russian professionals in order to find partners to work together. In addition to an active dialogue with their Russian counterparts, each of the foreign participants will be able to hold two presentations, take part in training workshops, as well as a friendly dinner, the final program of Moscow Overseas Property Workshop. "We constantly receive requests from foreign companies to help with the search for reliable business partners in Russia, because it is not an easy task - not to be mistaken with the choice, and to establish effective cooperation, - said the head of Sergei Krymov. - As is known, in Russia there are many hundreds of companies are engaged in selling real estate abroad, and by correspondence or telephone conversations are not always able to make the right impression. Therefore, our portal in conjunction with the Global Promotion Group have developed a new format for Russia, which allows you to build an effective agency network in Russia in just two days of the event. " Moscow Overseas Property Workshop held February 28 - March 1, 2013 at the Moscow Aerostar Hotel. Read more about the event, its program and conditions of participation - online . is a new event for professionals
31.10.2012 editorial office

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