November 25 editors and journalists Homes Overseas will hold a meeting with the readers of the magazine and to all who are interested in buying property abroad. Over a cup of coffee editors and journalists Homes Overseas give answers to any, even the most uncomfortable questions about buying a property abroad. The fact that you need to find out from the seller, what pitfalls can be on the path of the buyer, how to ask the right questions and to avoid unpleasant surprises at the conclusion of the transaction, whether or not to go in for a look-tours of the estate and many others. We will talk about the secrets of a successful real estate search on the Internet, describe the optimal algorithm of actions for those who intend to purchase a house abroad. Of course, guests of the meeting will be able to advise us - what information is missing in the Homes Overseas magazine and on its website. The meeting will be held on November 25 at 18.00 in the wording of Homes Overseas: Ul. Regimental Str. 3, page 1. Please register before 24 November by e-mail or by phone: +7 (495) 232 32 00, ext. 1168.