On February 1, 2012 deadline of one-time residence of Russian citizens on the territory of Turkey, shall not exceed 30 days. The newly introduced procedure, allowing a one-time stay in Turkey for 60 days, canceled. This information was confirmed by the General Consulate of the Russian Federation in Istanbul, the Aliens Department (Yabancilar Sube Mudurlugu) Antalya, as well as private companies that provide visa support. However, this period (30 days) may be prolonged in the Department of Immigration (Yabancilar Sube Mudurlugu) up to 90 days. To do this in advance before the end of the authorized period of stay in Turkey (better for 10 days) apply to Yabancilar Sube Mudurlugu the place of residence and issue a residence permit, which will be in Turkey at a time up to 90 days. The total stay in the country can not exceed 90 days within a 180 day period. An untimely departure from the country could lead to a fine and a ban on entry for a period of 5 years. HomesOverseas.ru according to the company Rentsale .