The outgoing year was a difficult one for the real estate market not only in Russia but also abroad. A number of processes that began at the end of 2008 in connection with the crisis, and in 2009 continued to have an impact on foreign real estate around the world. On the other hand, last year was not only a difficult and unstable, but also very interesting, have rendered something salutary influence. According to Natalia Zavalishin, General Director of "Miel Distant Property Management», «during 2009 we have seen a gradual but steady increase in demand." According to experts, potential buyers queries diversified structure, there appeared a new country, in connection with which the company has increased the number of destinations in its portfolio to 20. In different countries, the processes in the real estate market there is different, sometimes - diametrically opposed. For example, countries such as Latvia, the US, Spain and some other for a long time showed a fall of France, Italy and Germany remained stable. "During the year we have seen several times changing group leaders on requests from Egypt and Turkey in the I-II quarters to France and Ukraine in the III and IV quarters, the undisputed leader remains always only Bulgaria", - noted Zavalishin. According to the "Miel DPM», the realized rate of demand increased very significantly, by 70% compared to last year. It is obvious that from a careful study of the situation and waiting in vain grand collapse of prices, people finally moved to action. Has increased and the gap between the minimum and maximum purchase amounts: for example, in 2008. the minimum amount of the transaction was 53 000 euros (for a one bedroom apartment in Turkey), and the maximum - 388 000 euros for two bedroom apartments in Bulgaria. In 2009, the minimum amount of transactions took place with only 33 000 dollars (studio in Egypt), and the maximum - have demanded 570,000 euros for the purchase of a house in Montenegro. At the same time, according to "Miel DPM», the average cost of transaction has also increased: from 175 000 in 2008 to 220 000 euros in 2009. Interesting results of the study show the purchase of foreign real estate goals. In 2008, Russians buy property abroad, mainly in order to align the opportunities for recreation and investment (about 53%), as well as for obtaining a residence permit (40%), in the past year for these purposes were added and others: exit for permanent residence (including living in retirement), doing business, and pure investment intentions. Regarding the latter, then, according to Zavalishin, "investment attractiveness of regions at the moment are Latvia (drop in prices reached 75%), Spain (35%) and the USA (15%). Moreover, in these countries, there are all prerequisites for the rise in prices in the future, in connection with which to acquire weeksvizhimost it profitable right now. " An interesting situation can be observed in the last months of the year in overseas markets. Due to the fact that the traditionally active English and Irish have practically ceased to be interested in buying property abroad, our fellow citizens have become leaders demand that naturally encourages sellers to navigate towards Russia. A trend for next year, Zavalishin comments: "In relation to customer demand we can expect a continuation of current trends, ie the gradual intensification of consumer behavior, in any case, the Russian buyers. A kind of shock from the situation of uncertainty has passed, and there is an understanding that a greater reduction will not happen. In any case, we focus on this trend. "
"Miel-DPM» summed up the year
23.12.2009 editorial office

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