Company IntermarkSavills compiled a list of signs indicating that the investor will be difficult to rent a house in a particular country or region, it said in a press release. According to the materials of the company, investors may be difficult for five main reasons. 1. If, in this country the beaches or the main drivers (water parks, golf courses, etc...) Belong to the hotel - such as in Egypt and the Dominican Republic. As a result, tourist rented accommodation will not be able to enjoy the beach at all, or no extra cost - so the rent is meaningless for him, and therefore he would prefer to stay at the hotel. 2. If there is a large region of the management company, and the hotel run by family businesses. In your absence, someone has to keep an eye on the house, to support it in order, finally, the most important thing - to look for tenants. Guesthouses have their accumulated customer base and their advertising channels - and you tell them to anything. Therefore, if a particular tourist destination is not presented well-known hospitality operators Hilton, Marriott, it is not necessary to make a choice in favor of this country. In addition, the major hotel brands predicts the flow of tourists, boot - and here you can also "follow a lot of money." 3. If there is no region airports, serving airlines, discounters. Russia ranks first most expensive tickets. If the place where you intend to buy a holiday home, No airports where land-loukost Airlines (no matter whether it comes to Europe, the US or Asia - everywhere there are discounters), is another argument against the purchase of holiday homes here. For a tourist flight - a significant part of the budget, if it costs 35 euros, you can fly to the sea, even at the weekend. At the same time there are a lot of subtle nuances layperson. For example, the Turkish resort of Bodrum. Local airports take all European airlines - discounters, flights from Europe can cost between 10 and 50 euros with all fees, so shoot a villa or apartment for the whole family on the coast is often 4-4.5 times cheaper than buying a round. Because of this, calculating with a European family would never go for a vacation in Bodrum, overpaying for the tour at the agency. He would rent an apartment on their own. Accordingly, the lion's rent in Turkey's market share is concentrated in Bodrum, not in Antalya or Alanya, as you might think. 4. See who is the main tourist in this area. Most of the self-organizing your holiday tourists - are Europeans, Americans, Canadians. It can also be understood from the fact whether there is a massive tour to specific destinations in the country. For example, in the UK difficult to buy a package tour to France or Spain - where ea completely unpopular, since tourists prefer to rent a house on their own. 5. See how in this region distributed the rental market - holiday rentals / lettings. For example, in the whole of Egypt surrenders 50 apartments, and the purchase of an apartment for subsequent lease only replenish the number of idle objects. For comparison, the small island of Tenerife number of objects for vacation rentals - 1500-2000.
Five signs of the countries where it is difficult to pass the resort real estate - experts
14.04.2011 editorial office

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