Became known to the preliminary list of participants and business program Moscow Overseas Property Workshop A little more than two weeks left before the Moscow Overseas Property Workshop - event for the international real estate market professionals, which will take place on 28 February and 1 March, the Aerostar Hotel Moscow. During the Moscow Overseas Property Workshop Russian professionals will be able to meet personally with representatives of a number of foreign companies from Bulgaria, Spain, Latvia, Hungary, the USA, Italy and other countries to sign agency contracts and expand its portfolio in such a way. In addition, within the framework of Moscow Overseas Property Workshop will be held seminars on marketing and advertising of foreign real estate in the Russian market. Preliminary list of foreign participants is available at the Overseas the Property Workshop Moscow: . We also learned business program Moscow Overseas Property Workshop 28.02.2013 (Thursday) 9.45 -. 10.00 - Opening of Moscow Overseas Property Workshop. 10:00 - 11:00 Effective marketing tools for the sale of foreign real estate in the Russian market. George Gocheleishvili (Global Promo Group), Anton Kharisov (FreeDom) 11:00 - 13:00 Presentation of foreign participants Moscow Overseas Property Workshop. The exact schedule to be confirmed. 14:00 - 15:00 The Russian exhibition in the real estate and the secrets of effective work on them. George Gocheleishvili (Global Promo Group), Olga Mashkova (Property Worldwide) 15:00 - 17:00 Presentation of foreign participants Moscow Overseas Property Workshop. The exact schedule to be confirmed 01.03.2013 (Friday) 10:00 -. 11:00 - "Advertising of foreign real estate in the Russian Internet. How to get a result and not go broke. " Sergei Krymov ( 11:00 - 13:00 - Presentations of foreign participants Moscow Overseas Property Workshop. The exact schedule to be confirmed. 14:00 - 15:00 "How to make a successful website in the real estate and the right to promote it." Dmitry Savateev (Realty Promotion Group) 15:00 - 15:30 «Argentine real estate market, investment opportunities" (Embassy of Argentina) 15:30 - 17:30 Presentation of foreign participants Moscow Overseas Property Workshop. The exact schedule to be confirmed. 20:00 Closing dinner Visiting day program Moscow Overseas Property Workshop for Russian real estate agencies - free, provided the pre-registration on the event website . Cost of the ticket to the final supper - 6000 rubles. Tickets can be ordered from the organizers of the Overseas the Property Workshop Moscow . The organizers of the Moscow Overseas Property Workshop - Internet portal HomesOverseas and marketing agency Global Promo Group.
Became known list of participants and the business program of the MOPW
13.03.2013 editorial office

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