By 2020, the average cost of a home in London could reach 650,000 pounds, the conclusion made by analysts Oxford Economics and the National Housing Federation. In the next six years, the average price of real estate could grow by 200 000 pounds, up from the current 452,400 pounds. It is predicted that by 2023 the price will reach 776,300 pounds, which is 18 times higher than the average salary resident in London. The study found that the maximum value of the growth can be observed in the suburbs of London. It is also expected that the price will increase by one third, an increase from 1854 to 2700 pounds per month. And while the Mayor of London Boris Johnson said that is constantly working to increase the supply in the real estate sector, the Treasury is likely to benefit from the growth in sales, as the payment of stamp duty only bring more 5.5 billion. Pounds to the budget over the next five years.