The Turkish government in 2013 requires attract more foreign investment in the real estate market due to the new rules, the development of urban areas and changes in the regulatory real estate sales to foreigners law, writes According to the Association of Real Estate Investment Companies (GYODER ) Isik Gocke market property before the end of 2012 is expected to grow by 1.5%. This is less than expected and the expert associates with short stature that the new laws and regulation of real estate sales to foreigners rule did not have time to earn in full. Next to the global crisis in 2010 was a year of normalization and recovery of the market, followed in 2011 brought renewed growth of the market and sector indices reached 2007. In the third and fourth quarters of 2012 began to prevail "cautiously optimistic", but still, the objects remain unsold 800,000 nationwide. According Gocke, next year is expected inflow of foreign capital of about $ 10 billion.
Turkey plans to bring in the real estate sector at $ 10 billion. Investment in the year
17.12.2012 editorial office

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