Over the past year on the market real estate Ireland noted the rise in prices, with the most significant increase was recorded in Dublin, the capital of the country, reported the online source OPP Connect . According to the Central Statistical Office of the country in October 2013 the value of residential property in Ireland grew by 6.1% per year. For comparison, in October 2012. The annual decline was 8.1%. However, the country's real estate market remains weak outside the capital. In October 2013 the cost of housing outside of Dublin grew by 1.5% and decreased by 0.3% due to the excess supply on an annualized basis. In Dublin, housing became more expensive by 2.3% in October this year, as compared with October 2012 - 15%. The cost of houses for the year rose by 14.6% and apartments - 18%. Real Estate in Ireland now costs an average of 177 000 euros, and in 2007, when the market was marked peak, the average price of the object was 332 thousand euros. HomesOverseas.ru
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