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In Norway is expected to decline in housing prices

27.08.2013 editorial office
According to the forecasts of the country's largest bank DNB, cost of real estate in Norway will decrease by 1.5% by 2016, according to the online source of The Foreigner . Housing prices almost remained the same after the jump to 1.7% from December 2012 to January 2013, and for the past six months, four of the six months, the cost of real estate decline was recorded in the country. In July 2013 a house in Norway has fallen in price by 1.2%. According to experts, this decline may be due in part to the summer period, as well as the fact that the bank's interest rate remains unchanged, while interest rates rose. It is expected that property prices will grow up in the fall, and the annual growth rate from 2012 to 2013. It amounts to 5.2%. Experts predict that because of the rise in the unemployment rate in the country in the spring of 2014 may occur decline in prices, and by 2016 instead of the expected growth rate of 7.7% may fall by 1.5%.
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