For the first time in the world, work began on the construction of buildings using the 3D-printer on the canal bank in Amsterdam, wrote of The the Guardian . In recent years, many companies have announced their intention to build the first building using the 3D-printer, however, it appears to be the first time it will be possible to make the Dutch company Dus Architects. The company's specialists have already made a small pavilion made of solid plastic construction to one meter tall and weighing 180 kg, which will be "inserted" into the future 13-room building. As the representative of Dus Architects Hedwig Haynsman, this technology is, among other things, is also very environmentally friendly by eliminating unnecessary waste and reduce transportation costs. This is particularly important, given that the construction industry - one of the most harmful to the environment. The technology of construction of buildings with the help of 3D-printers can revolutionize both infrastructure and environmental conditions in large cities, said Haynsman. In addition, adds Haynsman, the company intends to continue to improve the technology for the next three years, during which the building will be completely built. For example, at the stage of development of the technology is the simultaneous production of frame buildings and thermal insulation. Since 2008, the Research Institute of the staff at the University of Southern California are developing a technology known as "contour crafting", which manufactures construction machine in Rapid cement using computer control. Another architect from Holland is working on a project for the construction of the building in the form of "Moebius ribbon" with sand and binders to create billing sandstone. So far, however, all of the projects 3D-building are limited to small pavilions height of one to two meters.
The Print with Canal House is 3D from 3D with Canal House is the Print on Vimeo .