portal and advertising company Global Promotion Group are pleased to announce the beginning of acceptance of applications for participation in the 2nd Moscow Overseas Property Workshop, which will take place February 27-28, 2014 in Moscow, at the Hotel "Borodino» Moscow Overseas Property Workshop -. A unique event for the international real estate market professionals, whose main task - to help in the search for new business partners. This two-day event business to business, which is a mini-exhibition of the companies working with foreign real estate, and a parallel series of presentations. For foreign developers and agencies wishing to enter the Russian market or to work on it more effectively participate in Moscow Overseas Property Workshop - a unique opportunity for the whole 2 days to hold dozens of meetings and build a network of agents, as well as learn more about the features and secrets of success in Russia. Russian meeting professionals with a wide range of different countries developers and agents will sign new agency contacts, learn firsthand about the trends and innovations of foreign markets, get new ideas for business development. Get more information about Moscow Overseas Property Workshop on possible events official website