Desi Dimitrova
Company: IBG Real Estates
Position: Sales Manager
Speak the following languages:
English, Bulgarian, Greek , Russian
Work with folowing countries: Bulgaria
Phone 1:
+35987846 ...
Phone 2:
+35989846 ...
Skype: investbg1485
E-mail: office@investinbg.co.uk
Additional. e-mail: ibg.real.estates@gmail.com
Answered 7 questions in the consultation
12.05.2021 The move to Bulgaria
11.03.2021 Who should I send documents to?
11.02.2021 Rural house and land
9.09.2020 Sale by two contracts
14.08.2020 Support tax in the apartments of the house
19.08.2019 How fast is an apartment for sale
5.08.2019 Selling an apartment after a divorce